Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Washout

It rained here yesterday pretty much all day, so we didn't do much other than hang out at the house. Eric got up with the girls around 7, and at 8 they brought me toast and mini muffins in bed. The girls ate half the toast and the muffins.

Molly S. and Baby Darren came over to play around 10. Molly really likes Mardi Gras beads. The girls don't really play together with Molly just yet. She kind of does her own thing, and they move around her. They seem more interested in what Darren is doing.

They took another long nap on Sunday, and we went to the grocery store in the afternoon. We spent a lot of time coloring. Madeleine is doing more than just scribbles now and actually trying to color-in things on the pages.

Lily and Madeleine made me photo albums in day care. They had decorated the covers with a glitter pen, and then the day care staff had taken pictures of them at school to put inside.

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