Sunday, March 11, 2012

Photo Overload

When the girls were little, I never went to the park without a camera.  Seriously, every visit was documented for posterity.  Then sometime a couple years ago, it just seemed a pain.  Plus, we had tons of pictures of the same parks over and over. 

But this week a friend loaned me her camera to see if an upgrade is something I'd like, so I figured I'd take as many pictures as I can while I have it.  I was THAT mom with the DSLR. Today we headed off to Bond Park.  What's usually a pretty shady park is very sunny with no leaves on the trees.

Madeleine is awesome on monkey bars.

 Hiding from mom.

 Cheezy pose.
Headlock of love.

With the current state of our teeth - every smile looks like a vampire smile.

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