Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall Goings On

October is always a busy month - first with the birthday and then the Halloween-related activities.

Instead of going to our old standby pumpkin farm that we've been going to for years, we went to Green Acres in Cary.  It's more about the corn maze and less about the pumpkins.  But what I was really there for was the horse rides.  It was only $10 a rider for a fairly decent ride around their trail, so Lily, Maddie and I all went for a ride.

Here's Lily's horse.  She "named" her Midnight.  I have no idea what her name really was.


Then on Sunday we hit up the North Carolina State Fair.  It was CRAZY crowded, but I wanted to make sure Lily got to see her photograph hung up for display.  She only got a participation ribbon, but I still think it's a great picture.

I spent the same amount on ride tickets that I usually do, but since I bought them online before the fair, I had a lot more tickets this year.  Combined with the long lines, the girls tired of rides before we could use all the tickets.

So Eric took the last slide with the girls.


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