Today is a school holiday, but Eric and I are working. So the girls were headed off to day camp this morning. Madeleine was a little upset that there was no school today because she's been very excited by whatever it is they've been working on in school this week. They had some sort of a Thanksgiving play yesterday, and she had been busy making a poetry book before bed last night.
Then this morning she wanted to read a story before going out the door. What's unusual about it is that she asked to read to Lily rather than be read to. And she wanted to read one of her books - not the readers she brings home from school. So how can you rush them out the door when your child asks to read to you?
So she read "The Tournament" from this
book. We've had it for a couple years. She was stumped on only a few words, and Lily was very happy to help her out. Then we had breakfast, got in the car, and headed on our way. I still was the first one in this morning, but those five minutes were the best of the day so far.
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