Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pirate Day

The girls daycare teacher Miss Briana just wrapped up a two week unit on pirates. The culmination of the project was "Pirate Day" where they took the class to a church playground down the street to play on their pirate ship.

When she first talked about it, I asked if I could tag along for the trip. So on Friday I spent 10:30 to around 1 with the class. I tried to dress appropriately - with earrings and nail polish.

The kids had made a variety of paraphenalia - hats, bandanas, eye patches, hooks, swords, bracelets, earrings, etc. Briana had asked people to bring white shirts to class that she could make into pirate shirts.

The kids played on the equipment about 45 min before breaking for lunch. The boat was awesome. It had a climbing wall, a plank, two trapeezes, a slide, and a pole down the middle. The kids also liked the swingset next to it as well. I spent a lot of time pushing kids on swings.
She'd packed lunches for the kids, so we took a break. Then a little bit more playing before we headed back to school around noon. Madeleine was getting clingy and didn't want me to leave. I stuck around the classroom a bit while everyone did some pirate dancing with their parrots.
Miss Briana is leaving this week for a new job. We will miss her creativity and enthusiasm in our lives.

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